Emily Eig Trustee

Emily Hotaling Eig

An architectural historian and historic preservation specialist for more than forty years, she established EHT Traceries in 1989. She now serves as President and CEO of the fifteen-person firm that has grown to have projects throughout the US and the world. Her expertise focuses on preservation strategies and planning, design review, and compliance with local, state, and Federal laws, as well as twentieth century architecture, and historic interpretation. Working throughout the country, she has researched, written, and directed the preparation of numerous National Register successful nominations for individual landmarks and historic districts. As a preservation consultant she has guided the documentation and approvals process for projects in DC such as the Australian Embassy Chancery, Pentagon 9/11 Memorial Visitors Center, Washington Carnegie Library, Martin Luther King Jr Public Library, Howard University Master Plan, Howard Theatre, McMillan Historic District, Walter Reed Army Medical Center Historic District/The Parks at Walter Reed, and The Yards. She is a recognized expert on the interpretation of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and Rehabilitation, the federal Section 106 Review and Consultation, the federal historic tax credit program, as well as local historic preservation laws and regulations. In the past she served on the Montgomery County Historic Preservation Commission, the Maryland Association of Historic Preservation Commissions, and the University of Maryland School of Architecture, Preservation and Planning Board of Visitors, and LAMBDA Alpha. She is currently a member of the Boards of the DC History Center, the National Preservation Institute, and the Waterford Foundation. After more than 30 years in Chevy Chase, Maryland, she now lives in Waterford, Virginia with her husband Michael Eig.